Have you ever thought of the illustrators of your favorite books as artists? They are. This week we are going to be studying the playful work of Eric Carle. He has written and illustrated over 70 books, many of which are best sellers.
I usually ask you to study an image by each artist, but this artist’s work is best seen in it’s correct format – a book. Most families already have these books at home, so just take a few minutes to browse through Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? or his most famous work The Very Hungry Caterpillar
. If you can’t find a copy, you can always take a look at this video of Eric Carle reading his own copy.
This month we are going to be creating felt boards for the children who visit the Bedford Library to play with (and a few pieces for home too). In order to complete this project each child will need to bring the following items to class:
- 3 felt sheets, assorted colors, 9×12″ – add only 2 sheets for each additional student
- needle felting foam pad or brush – 1 per student
- felting needle (approx. 36 gauge) – 1 per student – Students age 6 and under are highly encouraged to use a needle guard, and older students may want a grip, but the needle itself is all you really need
- Scissors – 1 per student – these should be sharp enough to cut felt.
- Sharpie markers set of 4 of varying colors
- pencil with an eraser (does not need to be an artist pencil) – 1 per student
- optional: Prang crayons, minimum 8 color set