Have you ever tried to create your own mural and given up after only a few bumpy chalk lines on the sidewalk? This month we are going to be studying the master muralist, Diego Rivera, and learning some of the tips and tricks used by today’s muralists.
In order to complete this month’s project each student will need the following items:
* Synthetic bright (short bristle) paintbrush, 14mm – 1 per student
* Palette knife – 1 per student
* Paint palette/plastic plate – can be shared
* Soft Pastel Set, 12 colors – can be shared
* General purpose chalk, colored – can be shared
* Construction Paper, 12″x18″ assorted colors, acid free – 2 sheets per student
* small cup for water
* baby wipes
See you Friday, April 12th at 6:30!
Sheryl G