Ice-cream sundaes, hands-on projects, and more await you this coming Friday at the SKETCH year-end celebration. Come, enjoy, and pre-register for the 2018/2019 session.Friday, May 18th 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM New...
Hands-on clay projects, ice-cream sundaes, a special guest speaker, and more await you this coming Friday at the SKETCH year-end celebration. Come, enjoy, and pre-register for the 2016/2017 session.I am...
A special thanks to Marge and Jo for sharing their time, artwork, and process with us! We learned a lot from all of the time you willingly spent answering our...
***Next week's session is going to require a bit more planning on mom's part so please read this as soon as possible!***What a fun year we have had together!Time for...